706 名前:Who Needs You  ◆tsGpSwX8mo :2006/03/16(木) 16:44:17 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
I make it half past six you come at seven

              遅いんです!    ∧ ∧  遅刻っぽ
         (#><)            (‘ω‘*)
(;;゚;;)_ ┬    /つ つ            O┬O )
◎┴┴┴◎  しー-J            ◎┴し'◎_☆キキッ

Always try to keep me, hanging round

          僕のなんです!        ∧ ∧    ちんぽっぽ!
   ≡ (;><)              ≡ (*‘ω‘)っ(;;゚;;)
  ≡ ( O┬0              ≡ ( O┬
  ≡ ◎ヽJ┴◎             ≡ ◎ヽJ┴◎

You little spoilt thing, girl you kept me waiting
Never contemplating my point of view

              ∧ ∧
 ……(#><)   ((( * )‘ω‘( * )))
    (    )     (    )
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\

707 名前:Who Needs You  ◆joNtVkSITE :2006/03/16(木) 16:46:19 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
This comes as no surprise
I'm a fool for I believed your lies

But now I've seen through your disguise

          ∧  ∧                       食 べ て ば か り で す ね …
      ((( * )‘ω‘ (* )))               (><;) だ い じ ょ う ぶ で し ょ う か …
  (;;゚;;)      (    )                  /つと ノ
(;;゚;;)(;;゚;;)      v v                   しー-J>>707

Who needs, well I don't need,

       。 。
         ゚ |ヽ_|ヽ
        ⊂( *‘ω‘)  
          ノ    |つ
        r(   ヽノ
        し´ ̄ヽ_)

W H O  N E E D S  Y O U ?

708 名前:Who Needs You 3 :2006/03/16(木) 16:48:22 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
How I was pushed around

プニ ∧ ∧プニプニプニ うう… プニ
プニ (*‘ω‘)σ));><) プニプニプ

"Don't let it get you down"

  /    /  /   /  /   /     /
    /.  /// |ヽヽ\    /  /  /
ちんぽっぽ ∧ ∧      /    //
       (* ‘ω‘)
  /     /⌒ ,つ⌒ヽ;)   //  /  /
        (___  (  __)
 "''"" "'゙''` '゙ ゙゚' ''' '' ''' ゚` ゙ ゚ ゙''

709 名前:Who Needs You 4 :2006/03/16(木) 16:50:23 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
You walked all over me

  ∧ ∧
 (*‘ω‘ *)  ちんぽっぽ
  (   )
   v v    
  ( (  ) )
と⌒つ;><)つ やめてください!

"But don't you ever give in"

  /    /  /   /  /   /     /
    /.  /// |ヽヽ\    /  /  /
ちんぽっぽ ∧ ∧      /    //
       (* ‘ω‘)
  /     /⌒ ,つ⌒ヽ;)   //  /  /
        (___  (  __)
 "''"" "'゙''` '゙ ゙゚' ''' '' ''' ゚` ゙ ゚ ゙''

710 名前:Who Needs You 5 :2006/03/16(木) 16:52:37 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
Taking one step forward,

. ̄ ̄|     (><;)
     ̄ ̄|  へヽノ |
.        ̄ ̄|  ヽ
.           ̄ ̄|
              ̄ ̄

slipping two steps back

. ̄ ̄|
     ̄ ̄|      (><;) ・・・!
.        ̄ ̄|  ノヽノ |    ━┓・・━┓・・━┓・・━┓・・━┓・・━┓・・
.           ̄ ̄|< <     ━┛. ━┛. ━┛. ━┛. ━┛. ━┛
              ̄ ̄

There's an empty feeling that you can't forget
Reaching out, reaching out for a helping hand

;;⌒::.;;.⌒⌒/   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/  ̄/::. :; ;⌒⌒:.:⌒:;⌒;;⌒
..  ,::.;  /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /.., ,; .: (><;) どうしたらいいんですか…
  : :::., /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/. … <●><●> (∩∩) ;;:
.  ,:.; /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /..,ヽ|〃ヽ|〃  ,,。,  ::;;,

W H E R E I S T H A T H E L P I N G H A N D ?

711 名前:Who Needs You 6 :2006/03/16(木) 16:54:38 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
When I met you, you were always charming
Couldn't sleep at night 'till you were mine

(    *        ,:'ノ ヽ      +      *   )
(            ノ(*‘ω)(><*)            .)
(      +    ム(つ∠E∞/)     +        )
( +         ,:'"  ノハ レ〈.」  *          .)
(    *    .,,;;'___,,,,ノノハヒ! ヒ!         *    )
            。   う、う〜ん…なんです…
      | ̄ ̄(;><) ̄ ̄|
      |  \           \
      \  |⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒⌒|
        \ |_______|

You were oh so so sophisticated
Never interested in what I'd say

      暴食はダメなんです!    ∧ ∧  ツンボっぽ
 (;><)                (((*)‘ω‘)))
 /   つ                 U   つ(;;゚;;)    (;;゚;;)(;;゚;;)
 しー-J                  ヽつ_つ      (;;゚;;)(;;゚;;)(;;゚;;)

712 名前:Who Needs You 7終 :2006/03/16(木) 16:57:10 ID:I5vKJ2jF0
I had to swallow my pride
So naive, you took me for a ride

                    ζ   ζ
                      '┬'  やめてください!
   ∧ ∧ ちんぽっぽ      (;><)
   (*‘ω‘)              /  つ  
   (φφ) カチャカチャ    (( ⊂(  ノ
   [ ̄ ̄]              し'

But now I'm the one to decide
Who needs, well I don't need,

         ∧ ∧
        (*‘ω‘ *)  ちんぽっぽ
         (   )
          v v    
         ( (  ) )

W H O  N E E D S  Y O U ?

                                 元ネタ:QUEEN"WHO NEEDS YOU"より

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